Technical glass
Technical glass
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Sapphire products

Sapphire crystals, although found in nature, but most often are produced artificially - said then of synthetic sapphire. This material is prepared from aluminum trioxide Al2O3. Synthetic sapphire retains the characteristics of the natural, crystalline sapphire, such as exceptional hardness (resistance to scratches), high chemical resistance (even the action of hydrofluoric acid), high thermal resistance. It can operate at temperatures up to 2000 ° C and at high pressures. Radiation is passed over a wide range from the ultraviolet to the infrared (250 to 5000 nm).


  • exceptional hardness and high mechanical strength
  • withstand extreme environmental conditions (temperature, pressure, aggressive environment)
  • good transmittance in the range 250 - 5000 nm (UV to IR)
  • very high electrical resistance
  • high dielectric constant

Typical applications:

  • displays (scanners, security screens, PDAs, tablets, clocks, etc)
  • machines for at high temperatures and aggressive environments
  • infrared supervisory systems
  • medical applications (eg. endoscopes, radiometers)
  • substrates for microelectronic and LEDs circuts 
Some properties Sapphire transmittance
Density 3,97 g/cm3
Modulus of elasticity (Young’s) 335 GPa
Poisson’s ratio 0,25
Mohs hardness 9
Coefficient of linear expansion  8,4  10-6 /°C
Thermal conductivity 2,72 Wm°C
Specific heat @ 25°C 774.4 J/ kg x °C
Melting point 2040°C
Working temperature 2000°C
Tensile strength 0,27– 0,41 GPa
Flexural strength 0,48 – 0,89 GPa
Surface quality
60 - 401)


1) depends on implementation (see here)

Dielectric properties

@ 25°C and 1 MHz: 
   Dielectric constant εr=9,3 
   Loss tangent       tgδ=3,0 x 10–5

Electrical properties

    - @ T=    25 °C  -  1016 Ω 
    - @ T=   500 °C -  1011 Ω 
    - @ T= 1000 °C -  106 Ω


While every attempt has been made to verify the source of the information, no responsibility is accepted for accuracy of data.

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